Follow your kokoro. If you need to come up with a place on the fly for an old sensei to send his students, this might prove useful.It is exceptionally bare bones, but it is just a warm-up to get me going on other writing.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
L5R - Random Locale Generator
Just a little warm-up randomizer, one that I haven't actually any need of but might be useful for those planning on running some Legend of the Five Rings, Bushido, or other kung-fu Asiatic adventure role playing game. The names for the locations are all pretty basic, so you can get something like The Castle of the Pale Oak, or something wild like The Tainted Lands of the Pink Exorcist.
Follow your kokoro. If you need to come up with a place on the fly for an old sensei to send his students, this might prove useful.It is exceptionally bare bones, but it is just a warm-up to get me going on other writing.
Follow your kokoro. If you need to come up with a place on the fly for an old sensei to send his students, this might prove useful.It is exceptionally bare bones, but it is just a warm-up to get me going on other writing.
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