This class is used by one of my players, his character is named Truon, she's an extremely elderly woman who was born into the role of a Frog Sage but kidnapped and sold into slavery to the Yellow City at a very early age.This is also how I deal with spells; namely a character knows a number equal to 1+WIS Modifier + INT Modifier; and instead of gaining more spells as they level they have to perform research / spend money in meditation at a temple to gain more spells. Spells also, at least for the Frog Sage, require the use of Reagents & Ritual to be used. Other classes that cast spells don't always need Reagents & Ritual, but this one does. Truon has terrible stats so she's just rocking Grappling Tongue as a spell, and she's used it to decent effect.
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Pete drew this, albeit not for this class; but you'd be surprised how hard it is to find a frog-ish sage. |
The Frog Sage
Requirements: Wisdom 10
Prime Requisite: Wisdom
Hit Dice: 1d4
It is held by the Goma people of the River, that the first creatures born into creation were frogs. The mother-father deity Gomakhunn breathed frogs into existence when the world was split between water and air, and in jealousy the other gods cobbled together creatures to serve them but none could have mastery of both worlds. You occupy a role of great importance within the Goma society. You are a Frog Sage, an inheritor of divine secrets, a speaker to that which croaks and that which chirps.
Arms & Armor: The Goma People rarely wear anything heavier than rattan or wood armors, meaning they wear light armor. Shields are uncommon. A Frog Sage knows how to make good use of daggers, spears, and blunt weapons.
Spell-casting: A Frog Sage knows a number of spells equal to 1+WIS Modifier + INT Modifier, and must have reagents to be able to cast said spells, though they may cast said spell as many times as they wish provided they have the supplies. Frog Sage spells must come from the following domains: Amphibians, The River, and Monsoons.
Frog Servants: A Frog Sage has a number of frog servants equal to their level. These servants are simply mundane frogs but they can perform minor actions of frog-like intelligence for their master. If a Frog Sage meditates under flowing water they can see through the eyes of their frog servants. If a frog servant dies, a new one arrives as soon as the Sage is in a place where frogs might be found.
Amphibian Blood: Frog Sages can breathe through their skin like a frog, effectively allowing them to breathe underwater for a number of minutes equal to their Constitution score. Frog Sages are viewed by frog-men, froghemoths, and other frogs as being a frog; albeit one in clothing and of strange girth and voice.
Languages: A Frog Sage will always know Lamarakhi, as their people are native to its lands. Frog Sages of well-traveled intelligence (INT 10) will also know Haludi and its Pidgin. Frog Sages can speak to frogs, though frogs are not smart enough to have much to say.
The Frog Sage
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Breath Attacks
Poison or Death
Petrify or Paralyze
Spells or Spell-like Devices
The Frog Sage
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Hit Dice (d4)
the Aspirant
the Frog Cultist
the Goma Clansman
Devotee of Gomakhuun
Sage of the Mother-Father
Keeper of the Holy Riddles
the Guru of the Deep River
the Drowned Dvija
the Keeper of the Drowned Ashram
the Reflection of Gomakhuun
+1 HP Only
Amphibians Domain
Spells that have to do with newts, frogs, salamanders, et cetera. Tried to make them flavorful and weird utilities.
Amorphic Secretion - Open wounds on a target begin to secrete a foul smelling mucus membrane, healing 1d3+the Caster’s Level in Hit Points, but forcing the target to also make a Constitution Save or become sickened for an equal number of rounds. This power could be used to regrow limbs (taking 1d6 days of daily casting), but said limbs would appear amphibian in origin.
Reagents & Ritual: Caster must spit amphibian or eel slime mixed with clay powder into the wound or upon a stump.
Reagents & Ritual: Caster must spit amphibian or eel slime mixed with clay powder into the wound or upon a stump.
Resonation Sac- The Caster is able to inflate their throat like a frog, knocking anyone around them a few feet back by the instantaneous burst. If the caster also attempts to speak, they can create a painful reverberating vibration that deals 1d4 damage to anyone within 15’ of the caster who can hear the resonation.
Reagents & Ritual: Caster must have consumed tea brewed with a frog in the pot within a day prior to casting the spell.
Reagents & Ritual: Caster must have consumed tea brewed with a frog in the pot within a day prior to casting the spell.
Secrete Poisons - The Caster or a target may enter a meditative state for 1d3 minutes, during which any foulness in their systems: drugs, alcohol, poisons, venoms, et cetera; leak from the individual and coalesce on the surface of their flesh. For a number of hours equal to the caster’s level, this foul substance remains on the surface of the body. Those who strike at the flesh with teeth or claws must Save vs Poison or become infected with the contagion.
Reagents & Ritual: Caster must use human or predatory bile to draw a second tongue and mystic runes on the brow of the target prior to meditation.
Reagents & Ritual: Caster must use human or predatory bile to draw a second tongue and mystic runes on the brow of the target prior to meditation.
Mud Torpor - The Caster or a target can enter a state of suspended animation for a number of days equal to 1d10+Caster’s Level, during which any disease, parasite, or natural ailment is similarly paused in time. Natural recovery of Hit Points may occur as normal, and the target may awaken whenever they desire.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must anoint the intended target in muds of red, grey, and brown.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must anoint the intended target in muds of red, grey, and brown.
Adaptation - The target of this spell is able to shift their features, be they facial, bodily, sexual, et cetera into another superficial form. The effects of this adaptation last until the target is bathed in a river.
Reagents & Ritual: Target must consume an amphibian and submerge themselves in a river.
Reagents & Ritual: Target must consume an amphibian and submerge themselves in a river.
Exceptional Leap - The target of the spell is able to leap up to 150’ in a single leap, 300’ with a running start. Attacks made while leaping (such as charging an enemy, or trying to impale someone with a spear) increase their damage to the next dice degree (d8 to d10, d10 to d12) and gain the Caster’s Level as a bonus To Hit. This enchantment lasts a number of leaps equal to the caster’s level.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must slather their legs in ashen mud before leaping.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must slather their legs in ashen mud before leaping.
Befoul the Flesh - The touch of the Caster causes the flesh of the target to burst into necrotic warts which deal 1d3 per Caster level in damage. If a target takes at least 10 damage they must Save vs. Poison, a failure causes an additional 1d3 Charisma damage to the victim as frogs explode from the wart pustules.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must have used henna made from a toad to paint their hands within the last week. Each casting requires a reapplying of the henna.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must have used henna made from a toad to paint their hands within the last week. Each casting requires a reapplying of the henna.
Darter Expulsion - The back of the Caster explodes open, releasing a plague of poisonous darter frogs which scatter out in a 15’ cone. The frogs distract any enemy caught in the blast, giving them a penalty to Hit equal to the Caster’s level for 1d6 turns. Anyone caught in the blast must Save vs. Paralysis or fall prone into a seizure for 1d3 rounds.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must either scarify their backs, tattoo frogs upon their backs, or claw up their own backs prior to casting the spell.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must either scarify their backs, tattoo frogs upon their backs, or claw up their own backs prior to casting the spell.
Grappling Tongue- The Caster can extend their tongue up to 30’ out as though it were an additional limb, as functional as an arm or hand. If the tongue is cut, the spell immediately ends. Strangling an enemy with the tongue or grabbing something grants a bonus To Hit equal to the Caster’s level. The Caster is able to speak normally with this tongue, and it lasts for an hour.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must bite the tongue out of a frog or toad or swallow an entire salamander.
Reagents & Ritual: The Caster must bite the tongue out of a frog or toad or swallow an entire salamander.
Camouflage - Target’s flesh takes up the texture, coloration, and temperature of the substance held by the Caster, lasting a number of hours equal to the Caster’s level. Unwilling targets may Save vs. Spells.
Reagents & Ritual: Caster must hold a handful of the substance the target is camouflaged as.
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