Saturday, December 23, 2017

Update: The Expert

Attached is a draft of The Expert class, a d6-skill based class for the Wildwood Manuscripts and other old school style ruling games. It is simply a mortal man with insight on how people and individuals work, as well as a few skills from their old days being a filthy normie who didn't really need to get involved in the untoward shenanigans of adventuring.

It is based on Beyond the Wall style rulings, using a d6-based skill set a la Lamentations of the Flame Princess. The goal behind the class is to represent a normal human being who has chosen adventuring but lacks the refined skills of a warrior who has devoted their life to killing, or any sort of someone who has devoted their life to adventuring pursuits.

Skills are meant to be specific but broad, nothing that should be hard codified like "Diplomacy" but rather things that imply a level of specific tactical acumen. Like climbing under duress, or keeping a horse calm.

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